Abai’s eternal heritage has united the teachers of the two regions

Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, today’s generation still remains faithful to the heritage of Abai. The teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools in Semey and Uralsk organized a conference “Spiritual values of Abai in the educational process”, the purpose of which was to educate on the basis of Abai’s “Words of edification”. The online conference was attended by employees of educational institutions of the two regions, as well as Deputy Director for Science of the State Historical-Cultural and Literary-Memorial Reserve-Museum of Abay “Zhidebay – Borili” Meyramgul Kairambaeva.

Speaking at the conference, the director of the Semei NIS Bagdan Kairzhanov noted that raising children and raising a person in general is always a topical issue that is on the agenda, and emphasized that the conjunction of the conference with an educational issue indicates the relevance of this topic.

– Reflections on the spiritual values and upbringing of the great Abai will give today a special national flavor. Despite the fact that Abai’s works do not bear the title of educational and pedagogical, throughout his entire creativity he calls on humanity to goodness, work, art, science, knowledge of the world, knowledge of the culture of another country, knowledge of several languages. In general, Abai is a person who dreamed of the spiritual revival of the Kazakh people. Many of Abai’s dreams of modernizing the nation are coming true now, ”the school director said in his speech.

During the conference, Deputy Director of the Development Department of AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” Aida Agadil said that yesterday Abai’s dream is consonant with the bright deeds carried out by a person of the modern era, and the director of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Uralsk, Aidarbek Aitpukeshev, made a presentation on “Values of Abai’s heritage in the Nis-program “.

Deputy Director for Science of the State Historical-Cultural and Literary-Memorial Museum-Reserve of Abay “Zhidebay – Borili” Meiramgul Kairambaeva assured the school teachers that her colleagues are always ready to support and provide informational assistance, and also introduced the modern appearance of the museum.

Further, the conference participants were divided into sections of the creative competition “Mind, strength, heart – keep your balance, all this will make you complete”, “Three qualities are worthy of a person: ardent courage, bright mind, warm heart”, “In a boarding school”, “Bird moods … “,” To the death of Abdrahman. ” Considering that the event was attended by 300 people from two regions, it can be concluded that the conference was of great importance.

Press service of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Semey