Grandmothers participated in the intellectual game

Within the framework of the project “Continuity of generations”, an intellectual game was held among the 11th graders on the topic “I have something to learn.” Two students acted as judges and evaluated the teams.

During the game, the participants were divided into teams of “grandmothers” and “young people”. The game consisted of 4 rounds. The essence of the game In the tour “Who’s cool?” for the older generation team, the questions were related to modern life, and for the younger generation, the questions were from the time in which our grandmothers grew up. In the “Song from the Heart” round, the teams called words to each other and sang songs containing these words. In the cycle “Truth and Lies” it was found out whether modern and ancient facts are “true” or “false”. Participated in a dance competition to the rhythm of music in the “Battle” tours. According to the results of the competition, the group of “grandmothers” won.

At the end of the event, all participants of the game performed karaoke to the song “Atameken”, gave feedback using the “five fingers” method. The wish of grandmothers and children was to hold more events of this nature, as this strengthens the relationship between the older and younger generations.