Team building calls for peace

The article by N. A. Nazarbayev “Looking into the future: modernization of public consciousness” says: “Our country needs unity and solidarity, first of all, in order to become a state that is at the top of global leadership. Then today’s initiatives will be successfully implemented only when the country is integral and the society is stable. “
Taking into account this speech of the leader of the nation, in order to strengthen the values of unity, cooperation between the Shanyraks of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Semey, the team building “Birligimiz Zharaskan” was held.
The team building, organized on the Teams platform in the Online format, was attended by 15 Shanyraks, 620 students. According to the coordinators of the Shanyrak, the teacher-organizer -curator Nurgul Sultayeva and the teacher of self-knowledge Kulyash Naimanova, the main task is to find out how much mutual acquaintance between the Shanyrak associations was realized. The result is not bad. After all, it was established that each class is on good terms with its own Shanyrak. During the team building process, we received feedback from our students, got to know each other better, and used the time with benefit. Hence, we can see that our work is going in the right direction.
