The project “Bakyt kushagynda” gives warmth

One of the main values of our school is the value of service for the benefit of society and cooperation. Service to the community develops communication, leadership, planning and creative thinking skills. Teaches kindness and mercy.

Cooperation with the Semey Perinatal Center has been going on for more than 6 years. During the entire period of the Baқyt kushagynda project, our good fairies from among teachers, parents and students have made a lot of sets for babies born prematurely. This time we donated 40 sets.

“When you see a kit knitted by your own hands on a baby, you get a lot of positive emotions, I am very glad to be a part of such a good cause,” says 9th grade student Aya Nurgazina.

Everyone can contribute to a good deed, you can learn how to knit by contacting the Sheber office. Also in our school there is a constant collection of plastic caps, which are then sent to the factory for recycling. The proceeds are used to treat sick children. Let your every day begin with a good deed and good thoughts!

Community service project coordinators