The library functions are constantly expanding. Innovative methods are needed to improve the quality of service for our readers. Therefore, our teacher-librarians shared their knowledge with other colleagues.
Our librarians Sholpan Sumbembaeva and Aliya Kaldybaeva organized an online seminar on the topic “Educational online resources to help the educational process for distance learning.” 45 librarians from secondary schools took part in the seminar.
Distance learning requires an increase in functional and information literacy, it is also necessary to develop critical thinking in students, such qualities as organization, research, and technical skills are very important.
At the seminar, librarians shared the current methods that they used in distance learning.
During the seminar, the participants got acquainted with different platforms, such as,,, https: //,, The participants also performed various practical works. Questions were answered as feedback and helpful resources were provided by librarians on various subjects.
Press service of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Semey