On the 20th of March the teacher of psychological service and self-knowledge subject organized “Holiday of Happiness”, 20th of March officially marks as the International Day of Happiness. The school staff took part in this holiday. The holiday began with the game “What is your happiness?”. Happiness for teachers are family, work, student achievement, understanding, health, support. The holiday continued with “Happy Ball” and the teachers raised their mood and divided into groups. In creative moments teachers worked on “Happy Man”, “Intuitive Painting”, “Mandala Therapy”, “Table Games”, “Metaphorical Associative Maps”.
The lottery game “Bingo” was held for the participants. Ten happy participants received special prizes, and all the participants were rewarded with surprises. During the festive event, teachers performed their song “Happy Bird” and went to “Happy Moment” with their positive emotions.
Aliya Zholamanova
NIS Semey psychological service