Physics teacher from Semey – Askhat Zhumabekov – the nominee for the Global Teacher Prize

The Global Teacher Award is the Nobel Prize for teachers. This year, the organizers of this award in the Republic of Kazakhstan were the Fund for the Development of Socially Significant Initiatives and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan will take part in this competition for the first time. This was facilitated by the conclusion of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Foundation for the Development of Socially Significant Initiatives chaired by Aliya Nursultanovna Nazarbayeva and the organizers of the international competition “Global Teacher” by the Cooking Foundation. The full name of the competition is “2020 Global Teacher Prize”, the final of the competition will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in March 2020.

The Physics teacher of the “Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics” in Semey Branch of AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, the holder of the title “The Best Teacher – 2018” of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this year became the Nominee for the Global Prize “Global Teacher”. This nomination was received from the hands of the Chairman of the Fund for the Development of Socially Significant Initiatives Aliya Nursultanovna Nazarbayeva.

“I’ve been preparing for the international competition initiated by the Cooking Foundation since the end of October 2018. I believe that having received such a significant title of “The Best Teacher -2018” in the country, our education system is no worse than the world practices. That is why I have been preparing for each stage quite long by collecting the necessary documents, recommendation letters from organizations I and my students work with, filming videos of my lessons and extracurricular activities in English. This is really a tremendous job! But this creative process is very interesting and important for me. For me, the participation in this competition is a challenge, an idea for the young generation to make their personal contribution to build jointly the best state in the world – “Mangilik El!” I am deeply convinced that all the experience that I received while studying under the “Bolashak” program in Finland, I could direct in the right direction and prove that our country is a worthy competitor in the field of education!”, said Askhat Sovetkhanovich.

Today’s “Global Teacher Prize” Award Ceremony was held at the “Kazakhstan” Central Concert Hall in Nur Sultan.

11 teachers from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan reached the final of the competition. Now, the finalists of our country will know the results of the selection by the International Expert Council in December 2019, and only one applicant will represent Kazakhstan along with the remaining 50 participants from other countries.

“I thank the Foundation for the Development of Socially Significant Initiatives and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for such an honor to represent our country at the International Competition “Global Teacher 2020” in Dubai. I connect all my achievements with the competent leadership and management of our educational organization represented by the Chairman of the Board of AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” Shamshidinova K.N. and the Director of our school B.T. Kaiyrzhanov. My main motivators are my students and colleagues. I thank my family for their constant help and support! I understand very well that you need to be “in tune with the times”, constantly reflect on your teaching practice and look for new teaching and assessment tools. This main achievement I want to devote to all my students!”, said teacher Askhat Zhumabekov.

Press Service of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Semey