School values


– be able to appreciate the physical and psychological health of others;

– be able to lead a healthy lifestyle;

– be able to comply with hygiene rules, safety regulations;

– be able to maintain positive emotional well-being;

– be able to cope with anxiety and stress.


– be able to comply with generally accepted rules and regulations;

– be able to take responsibility for learning and self-education;

– be able to take responsibility for a common goal;

– be environmentally friendly;

– be able to express an active civic position, to show “patriotism in action” (responsibility for the preservation and development of national values, such as native language, culture and traditions, customs, etc.);

– be able to make decisions and specific actions focused on positive changes.


– be able to comply with the rules and regulations of academic integrity;

– be able to evaluate own development unbiasedly, identifying strengths and weaknesses;

– be able to accept feedback from other people to improve own development.


– be able to follow the code of ethics;

– be able to understand and accept different points of view;

– be able to respect other people, cultures, nationalities, and countries;

– be able to recognize the mistakes in order to acquire new knowledge and experience.

Lifelong Learning:

– be able to reflect own learning and teaching;

– be able to look for opportunities to expand knowledge, skills and abilities;

– be able to adapt and apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to new situations;

– be able to manage time, resources, and self-regulation for personal development.

Cooperation and Service:

– be able to listen to and hear others;

– be able to involve others in team work;

– be able to work collaboratively;

– be able to share positive experience with others;

– be able to share information, ideas with others transparently and honestly;

– be able to help other people;

– be able to be beneficial for people, society, city, country, and the world