An intellectual quiz among 7 shanyraks on the theme “Kazakhstan is 30 years in space” was held in our school. Its goal was to expand knowledge and attract students to learn about the topic of space.
The game consisted of such stages as “Quiz”, “Crossword”, “Rocket”, “Personalities in the world of space” and “Karaoke”. The activity was started by drawing lots, and the correctness of the execution was checked and evaluated by the leadership council of the school.
As a result, “Bayanauyl” shanyrak in the “Venus” team became the owner of the first place, the “Okzhetpes” shanyrak in the “Saturn” team took the second place, and the “Ertis” shanyrak in the “Neptune” team and the “Karagailly” shanyrak in the to the Mars team. Prizewinners and all other shanyraks were awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks.
G. Zhakeeva,
D. Musina,